Samsø and Tunø

Samsø is an island located between Kattegat and Lillebælt - a large island at that. Thus Samsø spans more than 25 kilometres from north to south.

As an island it offers visiting anglers the big advantage that you can always find shelter somewhere along the coastline - no matter the wind direction. At the same time the island offers fishing spots that vary a lot - from rocky beaches with deep water and potbellied cod close to the shoreline to sandy shallows where both flatfish and swimming tourists thrive.

Samsø is located centrally right in the middle of the Danish kingdom. This has made the island an important part of the Danish society for centuries. Thus you will find the remains of no less than four medieval castles here. Right in the middle of the island - at its narrowest - there is a more than 1.000 year old ship channel, dug out by the vikings to facilitate transfer between East and West Denmark. It can be seen but not navigated any more.

To the north - at Stavns Fjord - you will find settlements dating back to the older Stone Age. Stone Age people obviously knew that the shallow Stavns Fjord always - with its many small islands and rocky reefs - was worth a try when food was scarce.

Today Stavns Fjord is still a remarkable fishing water - known best for its numerous spawning garfish in May and June. And for the special regulations that apply here since Stavns Fjord is a national bird preserve.

If you like the sun, the sand and some fine flatfish, ideal conditions are found to the east as well as to the west of the small isthmus separating the north island from the south island. Here you have sand and water as far as you can see. If you prefer rocky beaches for sea trout and cod fishing, then you should focus on the south part of the south island or the western part of the north island.

From the hilly part of northern Samsø - from the Hills of Nordby - you have an impressive view of the neighbouring island Tunø. A small island that covers some 3,5 km2 and one that is surrounded on all sides by vast shallows rich in fish. If you are a shoreline fisherman you should go to Stenkalven in the north or Sønderklint in the south.

Traditionally both Samsø and Tunø have had a very productive cod fishery but unfortunately this has been on a steady decline for the past decade. Instead the sea trout fishing has improved dramatically - due to intensified stocking - and can be very good during spring, summer and autumn. During winter the waters around Samsø and Tunø is too salty for the sea trout to survive in. Thus they migrate into deeper and warmer water.

Angling hotspots


1. Issehoved
Fishing here starts a few kilometres south of the head itself where steep slopes indicate deep water close to the shore. Good chances of sea trout and - during the season - garfish. Cod may be caught year round though this fishery has been on a steady decline over the last decade.
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2. Kolsøre Hage
Rocky beach with good chances of sea trout and - during the season - garfish. Cod may be caught year round.
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3. Balle Hage
Chances of sea trout and - during the season - garfish. Cod year round.
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4. Fugledal Hage
Chances of sea trout and - during the season - garfish. Cod year round.
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5. Asmindør Hage
Chances of sea trout and - during the season - garfish. Cod year round.
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6. Mårup Havn
Deep water coupled with rocks and kelp beds gives fishermen a good chance of catching cod and flatfish.
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7. Mårup Vig
Shallow water and a sandy bottom makes for good flatfishing.
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8. Sælvig
Fishing like in Mårup Vig
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9. Kolby Kås
Traditionally a good location for cod fishing as you are able to reach deep water from the piers. Also good fishing for flatfish on sandy spots.
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10. Grydenæs Odde
A strong current combined with deep water makes for good chances of hooking up with cod. Also sea trout and - during the season - garfish.
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11. Brattingsborg
Deep water on the long stretch from Vesborg lighthouse and east towards Lushage offers good fishing for sea trout, cod and - during the season - garfish.
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12. Lushage
Fishing like at Brattingsborg.
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13. Stålhøj Hage
Chances of sea trout and - during the season - garfish. Cod year round.
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14. Stavns Fjord
Shallow, sandy, muddy and at the same time rocky bay with steep slopes. Difficult to navigate and hard to wade in places due to soft bottom. Especially known for its garfish that arrive in May-June to spawn. Special regulations apply here since Stavns Fjord is a national preserve.
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15. Besser Rev
Long and rocky reef that stretches several kilometres to the north and thus protects Stravns Fjord from Kattegat. Special regulations apply here since Stavns Fjord is a national preserve.
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16. Nordby Bugt
Fishing like in Mårup Vig - primarily for flatfish.
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17. Stenkalven
Large rocks on the north shore attract sea trout and sea trout fishermen. Good fishing during spring, summer and autumn. Mullets also available.
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18. Sønderklint
Below the steep slopes at Sønderklint you may experience good sea trout fishing most of the year. Night fishing during the heat of summer may also be productive - as opposed to winter that finds the islands void of trout. Mild winters being the exception to this.
- [ see map ] -

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